11435 A Palmetto Park Rd.
Boca Raton, FL 33428
Train At Home Program
This area is for new students with no martial arts background or persons seeking to obtain certification in Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan.
Welcome to the North American Martial Arts Federation train at home video program.
The Style you will be studying will be Tang Soo Do
A set of DVD’s and two manuals will be provided with this course.
Cost of our program is an annual fee of $899 plus a $45 Federation Fee, good for 1 year membership in the NATSDF. Testing fees are $45 for each rank progression. The $45 fee covers the time Master Tramontano reviews the video, your new belt (if applicable), shipping, new certificates, updating information in computers and remarks of testing results.
Student must provide to the N.A.T.S.D.F. a home video of their progress on a timely basis. When you receive your home video course, you will also be provided a test question that must be completed and sent back to the N.A.T.S.D.F. along with your first home video. Once we receive your video and question, a new question will be forwarded to you along with any comments from Master Tramontano. A new promotion certificate that reflects your new rank will also be provided.
Help is always available 24/7 on this website. You may also call federation headquarter at the above telephone numbers between the hours of 9:00am and 10:00pm (Eastern Standard Time).
Please go to our Application page and fill out our Federation Form. Once we are in receipt of your application you will receive a phone call to welcome you to the North American Tang Soo Do Federation and our Home Study Program.
Thank you,
Master Ron Tramontano